It's times like these when you wish you had stayed in contact with certain people, people you were friends with long ago but seemed to drift apart not through choice but through circumstances. One day you're talking to someone on a regular basis then next thing you know years have passed and you find yourself looking back at fonder times wondering why they didn't continue.
Edd, we may have went our separate ways over the years, but I still kept you in mind. If my day needed brightening up your work was always there to bring a smile to my face, I just wish I had told you that when I had the chance.
You will be missed, but never forgotten
Well said, friend. Well said.
A lot of people would scoff at the fact that I grew up to country music, but I just have one line playing in my head right now, and I think it just has to be shared.
"Life ain't always beautiful,
tears will fall sometimes,
Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride....."